Social skills a bit rusty?

Social skills a bit rusty?

After a few years of working from home, zoom hangs, and drive-by parties, it can be challenging to navigate in-person social events. Your social skills may be a little rusty if you’ve been spending the majority of your time alone or with a select group of people.


If the idea of getting together with friends, attending a party, or gathering for a night out gives you an instant feeling of panic, know you’re not alone. 

We all deal with social anxiety from time to time - global pandemic or not

If you’re feeling anxious about a night out or completely depleted after time spent socializing, remember to make space for relaxation, both before and afterward. Taking some time to center yourself, relax, and find your calm before a social event is just as important as taking some time to wind down afterward. 

For some, that may look like going for a long walk or light one of our massage candles. For others, that may look like relaxing with our soothing Centered bath crystals, or maybe even leaving a gathering a little early…

Remember - it’s ok to prioritize YOU. It’s been tough navigating the past few years, so let yourself ease into things as we find the new normal. 

 If you’re looking to find more opportunities for calm, we can help. Head to our shop to find the products you need to prioritize your wellness and create rituals of relaxation. 

